Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mother's Day 2009

I am re-publishing this blog from 2009 which I wrote on my Multiply account. The month of May is when we celebrate Mother's Day (May 08 this year) and also my Mom's birthday month.  In fact her birthday is coming up this Sunday (May 1).  She will never be able to read nor appreciate this piece, but this is something that I want to share with friends and family.  Whether you have your Mom beside you or far away, show her how much you love her and how much you appreciate her.  Say a little prayer for her not just on Mother's Day but everyday because Moms can never get enough of God's special grace.  HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! 


May 09, 2009   

It's Saturday morning in Riverside, CA, and from where I am, it's a day before Mother's Day.  I just have finished browsing and reading Mother's day articles from the Filipino websites, all remembering, extolling and recognizing the virtues of mothers.

I have already purchased a gift basket from my co-worker for my mother-in-law, Sally.  It's not that much and nothing fancy but I know that it's something that she would appreciate as she always find joy in simple things.  She's going on a cruise next week and the gift basket is more appropriate than flowers. 

If I was in the Philippines right now, I would have bought the same gift basket for Mommy Tessie with probably a Toblerone bar or Chips-A-Hoy cookies or Pringles potato chips. I know that these are her all-time favorites.

I can't help but think about Mommy right now.  She just celebrated her 64th birthday last week (May 1) and I say for a normal healthy woman, 64 is probably an awesome age.  For normal working women specially here in the US, at this age, it means looking forward to retiring, relaxing and absolutely doing what one wants because the kids are grown up and might have settled down, house is paid for, retirement money is in place, so there's really nothing else to do but enjoy life.  After probably more than 40 years of being employed,  a working mom is ready to do something for herself.

But not my Mommy.  You see, she has been battling her sickness for more than 15 years now and while the battle is still on, I have always been hopeful that we will win the war.  I don't know if we can achieve victory,  but I have never given up.

Mommy now suffers from dementia, some form of diabetes, hormone imbalances, seizures (with neuropathic pain, lately), incontinence, and some other symptoms which I only know after phone calls to Dad, Tweet or Kirsy (my two sisters).  Through out her sufferings and discomforts, she has remain beautiful, child-like and has been our source of inspiration.  When I talk to her on the phone, I don't usually understand half of what she's saying because it doesn't make sense.  She could not put into words what she means so she ends up saying some random things.  Sometimes she couldn't even remember my name and calls me some random names. One thing though that is absolutely clear every time she talks to me, she would always say these two sentences:  THANK YOU FOR THE BLESSINGS & GOD'S WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS.

I know deep in my heart,  that while she could not be the "Mommy" now and the Mommy that we expect her to be, she continues to be Mommy our one and only Mom.  Those two sentences that she always mutters is a constant reminder of how she was. She has lived her life with the fervent faith in God.  She and Dad has raised us with the only way they know how:  hard work, gentleness, integrity. compassion and faith in God.

Do I wish things are different? Oh absolutely!  I wish she's healthy so she and Dad can visit me.  They can continue to work or enjoy the Church ministry.  They can continue to share their faith.  She can advise me about growing old. She can go shopping with me and my sisters.   She can organize family reunions for both sides of the family.  She can attend her school reunions and continue her friendship with her former co-workers. 

But as she always say, GOD'S WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS. 

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!  I will continue to do my best to be there for you, to care for you and to love you!  No matter what others say, you are still the best Mommy!  And while I know that you will never read this, I know that you would feel my love for you! 

"Whenever trouble comes your way let it be an opportunity for joy.  For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything."
- James 1:2-4

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