Dear Dad,
Today, April 25 marks your 68th birthday. While we are more than 7,500 miles apart and we have a 15-hour time difference, I just want you to know that you are truly a special man and I am proud to have you as my Dad. I saw how much you have sacrificed for Mom and for us, yet I know that for you it was never a sacrifice, because you love us.
All your life, you are God's faithful servant, serving the church and doing ministries. How long has it been Dad, 45-50 years serving the parish? You trekked mountains, endured the rain and the sun from North to South of our province to deliver the message about God and His love. You inspire so many with your heartfelt testimony of God's works in your life, in our lives.
You are the most self-less man I know. You always think and put others first before yourself. You always go above and beyond to give joy to others. When you excitedly called me one day telling me that you got some money from the lottery, you rattled stuff you want to get for the family, our relatives, the church, but I never heard you say what you want to get for yourself.
When your next door neighbor accused you of being mean and maligned your character, you showed humility, patience and kindness. The true meaning of a gentleman.
You have been my No.1 intercessor. I need not ask because I know that you always pray for me and for all of us. In good times and bad times, you are always there for me, telling me to keep the faith, to put my trust in God.
And so today, As I went to church to celebrate Easter, I said a special prayer for you. That God will continue to guide you and strengthen you. That He may lift you up and give you rest when you are feeling down and tired. That He may ease your burdens and give you joy when you are taking care of Mom. That He may hold your hand when you feel lost. That He may give you the patience and the serenity when things may not be going the way it should be. And that He may continue to use you to be a blessing to others.
Happy birthday, Dad!
I love you....
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