Friday, May 13, 2011

The WAIT Kit

March and April 2011 was when I've learned the art of WAITing.

March 10 was when I have to WAIT at the emergency room when my husband, Dan was admitted for severe pain on his lower abdomen.  It was nerve-wracking to see him in pain, then to watch as he was administered with pain medication, then to WAIT for the medication to take effect, then WAIT while they did the ultrasound, then WAIT for the results, then WAIT for doctor's orders and prescription.  He was diagnosed with epididymitis which according to the doctor would take several weeks to heal, which means WAITing as nature and medicine takes its own sweet time.   Turned out that it was more than epididymitis, so much so that on April 19, he has to undergo surgery, which entailed, WAITing at the surgery center for over 5 hours, WAITing for  his vital signs to stabilize after surgery, watching for signs of infections, WAITing in line at the pharmacy for prescription, WAITing at the doctor's office during appointments (which initially was 3 times a week).  Adding more to his health crisis, Dan had some bronchial infection which cause him severe coughing, nasal congestion which led to more prescription antibiotics and more WAITing for the healing.

On top of Dan's health crisis, I too, had a health scare when I felt a lump on my left breast.  This meant, WAITing at my doctor's office for referral for mammogram, WAITing at the imaging center for the actual mammo examination and WAITing for the result.  

And that's not all.  At the time of Dan's surgery,  I was also scheduled for a job promotion interview, which means a stomach-flipping WAIT at the Human Resources Department for my turn to interview, while Dan is literally under the knife.  And after the job interview, it means more WAITing for the results.


And now, after two months of endless WAITING....

While his stitches are still healing, Dan is back to work and back to being his normal self (a joker and a prankster).  Through out his WAITing, he has never lost his sense of humor.  There were days when he couldn't even muster the energy to get up or when the pain gets his down, he always bounces back and always find humor in our situation.

I have received the result of my mammogram exam require additional evaluation, I was told that there is no serious problem and that the doctor just wants to be completely sure of his diagnosis. 

I got the job promotion and started training for the new position this week. 

And so I made  a list that goes inside my WAIT KIT:
- A good health insurance coverage (for health crisis such as ours)
- A good book (time passes so quickly when you need to finish the story and find out if it's a happy ending)
- Patience and perseverance (the grumpy and incompetent receptionist may not have her coffee yet when you checked-in)
- A sense of humor (sometimes, a good belly-laugh is all we need to get us through the day)
- A big nice long hug (which means, "I am here for you")
- Support and encouragement from loved-ones (just the words, "everything will be alright" or "I am praying for you" means so much more and can turn despair into hope)
- Lots and lots of prayer (let's bombard the heavens with prayers, surely God will hear us and listen to our cry for help)
- FAITH & TRUST in the God Almighty (Luke 17:6 "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you.")

W -  What 
A  -  An
I   -  Incredible 
T  -  Time 

to experience God's grace in HIS time and not in our time.


1 comment:

  1. oh Tin, did not know about the WAITing you had been through, glad to know Dan is recuperating now, and nothing is wrong with your mammo, and also, congratulations on your promotion. And I love this:
    "W - What
    A - An
    I - Incredible
    T - Time "
    Hope to see you soon Tin
